Understanding Array Mutation in Redux: A Common Pitfall with useSelector

Avoiding Array Mutation Issues with useSelector in Redux

Understanding Array Mutation in Redux: A Common Pitfall with useSelector

What is the Problem?

When working with Redux, we often deal with immutable data structures to maintain the predictability of the application state. However, recently I encounter issue is unintentionally mutating the state, especially when handling arrays.

let's try, A common scenario is trying to reorder an array from the Redux store and inadvertently modifying the original array.

In this blog, we’ll explore this issue and how useSelector in Redux gives us a reference to the original state, which can lead to unexpected side effects.

Why Does This Happen?

The root cause of this problem stems from how JavaScript handles arrays and objects. When we use useSelector in Redux, it doesn’t return a new copy of the state. It returns a reference to the current state. If we modify this array using JavaScript methods like sort(), splice(), or reverse(), these methods mutate the original array in place, affecting the state inside your Redux store.

Here's an example of what happens:

// Selector to get an array from the Redux store
const myArray = useSelector((state) => state.myArray);

// Attempting to reorder the array
myArray.sort((a, b) => a.id - b.id);  // This mutates the original array

In this case, the sort() function modifies myArray directly, meaning it alters both the local variable and the array in the Redux store because myArray is just a reference to the store’s state.

What is the Best Process?

To avoid mutating the original array in Redux, we need to create a new copy of the array before making any changes. This ensures that the Redux store remains immutable, which is crucial for features like time travel debugging, state predictability, and preventing unwanted side effects.

Here’s how we can handle it correctly:

  1. Create a Shallow Copy of the Array
    Use methods like slice(), [...spread operator], or Array.from() to create a shallow copy of the array before modifying it.

  2. Work on the New Copy
    Modify the copied array without affecting the original.

Example of the Correct Approach:

// Selector to get an array from the Redux store
const myArray = useSelector((state) => state.myArray);

// Create a copy of the array before modifying
const newArray = [...myArray];  // Or use myArray.slice() / Array.from(myArray)

// Modify the new array
newArray.sort((a, b) => a.id - b.id);

// Use newArray without affecting the original Redux state

By using the spread operator or other cloning methods, we're ensuring that we work with a new instance of the array rather than mutating the one inside the Redux store.

Best Practices for Handling Redux State

To summarize, here are some best practices to avoid mutating the Redux state:

  • Never directly modify state obtained via useSelector. Always create a new copy before applying any changes.

  • Prefer pure functions like map(), filter(), and reduce() to modify arrays instead of mutating methods like sort() or splice().


Understanding how JavaScript works with references and Redux’s immutability principles is crucial to managing our state effectively. Always ensure that we create new instances of arrays or objects before modifying them to avoid unintentional state mutations. By following these best practices, we can write more predictable and bug-free Redux applications.

if you have any suggestions or questions let me know in comment.